Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Favorite Comics --> click on the titles (romance, sci-fi, erotic)

Want to escape reality? Well, in this post I will show you all of my favorite comics that will take you far away from the boring daily life.


As an artist what I find very special about this comic is observing the slow development of the artist's drawing skills and personal style. The further the story goes on the better the drawings are. If you love stories about the forest, magical creatures and romance, then this is the right choice for you! No spoilers. If you wish to know what it is about, you better start reading on.


 Are you into dark creatures, magicians, sword fighting and sexy, perverted things? Then you should definetely check out this brilliant comic. The covers for each chapter are made by different artists or friends of the actual comic artist who does the lineart and the story itsself. Once you start reading, you can't get away from it.

 Alien love, crazy scientists, heartbreaking stories of the past. All in one. It's something new and special. I've never been interested in aliens that much but this comic is very addictive. <3


Beautifully made comic. It looks like as if you watched an animation, because of the slight differences in the movements of the characters while the background remains the same. It's very nicely colored. Try it out. Addiction guaranteed.

5. CHESTER 5000

Confused? Well, make sure to take a peek. It's a sexy and cute story told without a single word, only lovely drawings that include pornographic details.


 Yeah, typically Curvy. Includes sexy same-sex times and maaaagical adventures.


 Here is a tiny spoiler for you. To say it shortly, it is a hilarious comic but also a wonderful story about people with paranatural abilities.

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